Oversharing with the Overbys
Welcome to Oversharing with The Overbys! In this podcast series, Jo and Matt Overby cover a wide variety of topics—from parenting lessons, life stories, to personal relationships. Take an inside look on the lives of Jo and Matt as they navigate the adventures of adulthood and overshare online.
Episodes available monthly with a weekly option available via Patreon if you're looking for more!
Oversharing with the Overbys
Candy, Costumes, and Conception
Beyond the appearance change (check out the YouTube to understand), this week brings the news that baby number three is on the way, and we get into how life has taken an exciting, albeit challenging turn. We share personal stories of navigating pregnancy-related sickness and the emotional complexities of prenatal depression, all while adjusting to Matt's extended role as full-time dad. Our candid conversation reveals how these changes impact our family dynamics, especially as we prepare for our children's school years and strive to balance professional commitments with personal well-being.
Recently, a night out turned into an unexpectedly entertaining adventure, complete with creative costumes and a stubborn commitment to a not-so-great drink. Amidst the fun, we chat about our podcast strategies and the importance of connecting with our listeners. Preparing for our growing family, we consider how priorities shift and emphasize the creation of meaningful spaces for each child, focusing on nurturing a loving home environment. The episode is rich with playful anecdotes and heartfelt reflections that resonate with anyone managing the chaos of family life.
Quilting and reading habits take center stage as we explore the comforting nostalgia of homemade quilts and the laughter behind "Greg's Reads of the Week." From Halloween costume dilemmas to a lively debate about main characters in family ensembles, our lighthearted banter keeps the pod rolling. We also touch on body image and fitness, sharing how competitive swimming has shaped Jo's perspective outside the norm. This episode blends humor and sentimentality, offering a genuine connection filled with laughter, insights, and a dash of Halloween spirit.
If you've got a voicemail or want our (likely unqualified) advice on something, hit us up at the Speakpipe link below!
If you'd like to email us you can reach the pod at oversharing@jojohnsonoverby.com!
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Website: https://jojohnsonoverby.com/
Watch the Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29Si0ylWz2qj5t6hYHSCxYkvZCDGejGq
Welcome to Oversharing with Overbees. I'm Jo. And I'm Matt, and each week you can tune in to hear us respond to your voicemails, go in-depth on our lives as content creators and hopefully leave you feeling even better than we found you.
Speaker 2:With that being said, let's get to Oversharing.
Speaker 1:Hello, happy Halloween. Do you know what we are? Yee Skrt, skrt. I feel like I didn't full commit to that like.
Speaker 2:I should. No, I didn't either. I'm really I'm afraid of how loud the skirt into this microphone.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's true, skirt skirt. I was really committing to it earlier, but I guess let's just start things right off the bat this week. Welcome everybody. This is a everyone episode, and if you're like Joe, have you been sick? What's going on? Do you have a cold? No, I am pregnant. Oh, that's kind of being sick, um, and so, yes, I have been sick, but not like literally within the last few moments.
Speaker 1:Um, baby is on the way, yeah if you don't follow us on other platforms. We announced this week that we are having baby number three, but I think so we're pre-recording this before our Halloween party yeah we haven't announced yet this is pre-announcement for the recording so who knows how this goes? No, we definitely should have announced by now if this is going out, but baby O number three is on the way. Yeah, and mom is sick.
Speaker 1:I was going to say, if she it doesn't sound good, it's because she puked immediately prior to this podcast I did and we only have today to record, and I wanted to be in halloween costume we did over commit and say that we were going to do this in costume, so we have to do it today definitely I'm not dying my hair pink again just for recording you're not a fan of the wax that we used.
Speaker 2:We used. I actually do think it works pretty well now that it's complete. Now that it's in.
Speaker 2:But the process was one of the worst things I've ever experienced, when, I saw wax, I imagined like I have used hair waxy products and it is more like a it's between a wax and a whipped cream. It's really it's like buttercream. It's like if you were putting buttercream with a lot of dye in your hair. That's what it feels like. I can see your face is doing things that say, matt, stop talking about putting buttercream in your hair, mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:So yeah, that checks out, but I like that you went back and Well, this is an audio format I have to audio describe. I want to know how many people have known up until now or questioned, because I've been really sick.
Speaker 2:You've been crazy sick, which means you've been crazy sick, which means I've been full-time, full-time dad mode. So I've stopped the internet for six weeks, eight weeks, I don't know. Two months somewhere around there we're almost at the halfway mark. Yeah, we're like coming up on our halfway mark now, yeah, I'd gotten into a groove and then I fell off the face of the earth for two months yeah, because I fell off the face of our family for yeah and then you had to show up like just in the capacity to like do.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I've been trying to show up like just in the capacity to like do a full-time job.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I've been trying to show up like a little, truly I'm showing up, and this has happened every time, like I told people this last time when we announced Rory is like around the halfway mark, I started showing up again in content with like I could do stuff again. I get when I say sick. I guess I should give like a description. So we found out in July that Immediately prior to your dad's back operation. Immediately Right, but immediately after he told us we were having it.
Speaker 2:Yes, before we knew that he was. No, we didn't know yet Before we knew he was going to have it. Yeah, we decided, before he was having his surgery, that we were going to start trying again About a month before, because your dream is to have them like two school years apart, basically.
Speaker 1:Yeah, which is from the beginning. I said this because we only had a few months available to us to try and like have that happen. I wasn't like emotionally committed that it had to be that way, like if it didn't happen. But we had a window where, if we had our kid, it wasn't like emotionally committed that it had to be that way, like if it didn't happen, but we had a window where, if we had our kid, I had actually kind of planned on.
Speaker 1:I was like, well, it's just not going to be that way.
Speaker 2:It's going to be what You're skipping it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I was like it's going to be three grades because we're just not in a place that we're ready to bring another baby into this dynamic, like we have a lot going on, the kids are little. It just wasn't going to happen. And then things really started to hit. We hit a groove. I would say like in January, February this year, we really hit a groove.
Speaker 2:We started. And then like by the by the middle of the summer, I think we were feeling a groove. We started and then, like by the by the middle of the summer, I think we were feeling a lot more comfortable with things and like you were getting more into content. I was starting with it and feeling okay about it.
Speaker 1:I went through a time. I don't know how much I've talked about this on the podcast I've now I've talked about it a little bit on Instagram stories, but I really went through a time the last few years I feel like kind of a peak of it was when I was pregnant with Rory. I was really struggling with prenatal or I don't. I think they call it prenatal depression. I don't know if that's right, but pregnant depression during pregnancy.
Speaker 1:Um, and not only that, I was really struggling with showing up online, having a lot of imposter syndrome of like why do people follow me?
Speaker 2:because I really I think the hard part for anybody that shows up online and anybody that I've met in this space is, like most of the people who do this are just normal people yeah and you meet them and they are normal people and well I don't know that a lot of people go into it with the idea of becoming an entertainer and that is right to a degree what your job is now. We aren't the most entertainery entertainers, we don't have skits and stuff.
Speaker 1:But, like your, your purpose there is to serve either entertainment or value yeah, in some capacity and so we could do a whole episode on this at some point but sure long story short. Um, I really struggled. That's why I asked matt if he would be opposed to which. I wasn't worried about um keeping the pregnancy offline and waiting until after baby arrived, because I was just struggling.
Speaker 2:I didn't want not with this one, but not with this one, yeah with my second pregnancy, when we surprised everybody.
Speaker 1:I was really struggling and I didn't want to hear anybody's opinion, any feedback.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you were like out on feedback altogether. It was like I don't want positive feedback, I don't want negative feedback, I don't want anyone talking or considering the way that I'm having this kid.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, and I think a lot of it for me is, I was really struggling to know what I wanted because I was taking in so many opinions, which is my fault. Like I, I needed to learn how to set a boundary there. Um, I was trying to consider so many people when I really needed to be considering myself, and so I feel like keeping that offline was really good for me. Um, but I've really struggled in the last couple of years. I really enjoyed creating and then I kind of fell off of it because I felt like I didn't belong in the space.
Speaker 2:Um, well, there's nothing like stopping creating for a little while to really feel like you don't know what you're doing yeah, yeah, you get out of the groove and you're like what am I? Why nothing?
Speaker 1:uh.
Speaker 2:I got. Nobody missed it before. I mean, they might have missed it, but it doesn't feel that way.
Speaker 1:You're're like oh, I guess.
Speaker 1:I guess I was fine without doing it Well, and I recently kind of posted about that. And then I got this influx of messages from really kind people that keep up with me that were like I love it, I'm glad you're here. And then I felt bad because I was like it feels a little bit like fishing for and it's not. It's really just like this is a space I'm in. I was like I know there are people who are invested and care, um, but I also need to be doing it because I'm invested and I care to document and share in that way. Do you know what I mean yeah, that's.
Speaker 1:I mean, that's the easiest way to make content, though, is to be like I have stuff I want to share long story short is, I felt like I was finally getting on the other side of that, and I felt like I was on the other side of a lot of depression that I've struggled with in the last couple of years with kids and things. And that's when we decided to start trying for baby number three and then my dad called and said he was having surgery and Matt and I that night was like, okay, I think we need to back, burner it. And we got home from, or I got home. I went to help my parents. I was gone for three days and then I came home and I was like, wait a second, I think something's late you're like oh, I feel terrible yeah, um, and I was like I don't know if it's because I wasn't sleeping enough or the stress or the you know.
Speaker 1:Nope, got those two pink lines the next day.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And I the videos. Actually I feel a little bad because the videos of me finding out I'm like oh, oh, no.
Speaker 2:Because we really go into it like eyes wide open, like okay, cool, I think we're in a space, this will be good.
Speaker 1:So excited, ready to try, we've got things going on and it feels good. A lot of things kind of got piled on at once, and so we were like, oh, oh, now is not a good time to be sick.
Speaker 2:I just laughed. I think I laughed most of the video when we found out laughed most of the video when we found out you were really positive.
Speaker 1:I was a little freaked, because I think I was also freaked, but I think I handled it by laughing uncomfortably I was like oh shit, okay, I guess here we are, yeah, yeah, um, and I, almost immediately after finding out that's really, I had already not felt good, I just wasn't associating it with being pregnant I had wondered as soon as you started not feeling good.
Speaker 1:Every time you know or like have an inkling before I do every time I got a vibe for it pretty early, because I'm like this just isn't the sick and tired you get when you get pregnant.
Speaker 2:My energy level is Is very out of character for you, especially when you're in a feeling good space. Now, if you're, you know there's been seasons of like depression, anxiety, that it's like, okay, yeah, she's pretty wiped out. But there is a pregnancy wiped out that's just like, oh, yeah, she's like she's done I fall asleep everywhere yeah, I mean I and she wakes up and she's like oh, I'm so tired and you're like it's 12 of sleep.
Speaker 1:We have a lot of friends that are not that extreme. It hits me like the break is the worst.
Speaker 2:No, Joe has like cautionary tale pregnancies.
Speaker 1:It's so bad.
Speaker 2:Of like this will wipe you out.
Speaker 1:I'm really hesitant to talk about it, not because I don't want to like raise awareness for women who that is their circumstance, but I don't want to like raise awareness for women who that is their circumstance.
Speaker 2:But I don't want to If that is your experience. It's nice to relate with people but there's most people you deal with.
Speaker 1:It is not the extreme that you do no, and I don't want to scare people.
Speaker 2:No. Yeah, you have three months to take off and puke and sleep. Most people don't. You can come up here we don't. No, um no, I mean, that's yeah and that's what happens. Is I'm? I'm down for the count? Yeah, I mixed a very bad drink. That's what I'm. I'm making faces during this podcast on the video format. I mixed a drink. That's not very good, but I'm just powering through it matt and I are going to a halloween party a halloween party tonight?
Speaker 1:yeah, and so that's why we're dressed, and I have a nine month dd, so, oh, crushing it if we don't have contacts for who we are. I know we said it, but we're Timothy Chalamet and Pete Davidson from the SNL rap round table skit. What was it like I was going to?
Speaker 2:say this is the appropriate amount of late for us to do a costume.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we didn't want to do anything too current. No, that would have been like Ariana Grande.
Speaker 2:Nothing Chapel Roan related. Yeah, that would have been cool.
Speaker 1:I saw some good.
Speaker 2:Some Chapel Roans Guys.
Speaker 1:I've been in my party era. Ooh, not really.
Speaker 2:I was going to say you've been in your puke era. I don't know what you're talking about.
Speaker 1:But I went to, but you've been night too. Oh, that's true. Yeah, yeah, you went on a little bar crawl, so um sober. But I there were so many good costumes, people were really I didn't dress up last night I just attended.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but you're lucky to make it. God, this is getting worse the more I drink it, you don't have to drink it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I do. It's okay if it's bad and you don't need the alcohol, but you can make a new drink.
Speaker 1:That's not so bad no, I mean like I'm already halfway through it okay, like you don't have to I do um, I'm trying to think of what else drinking is about commitment next week for those that are subscribed on patreon. Like we could do a, q a we can talk to you guys about if there's anything specific you want to know. I'll also, I'm sure, be talking on instagram stories and answering questions here this week and I think best practice for the big episodes, we should probably fire out a Q&A.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Like specifically for people that aren't Patreon subscribed to be like hey, yeah, for sure.
Speaker 1:What do you guys want to hear this month?
Speaker 2:We always love answering questions and I'm always worried that people send us questions that aren't Patreon subscribed and then we answer them on Patreon.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Oh sorry.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's not cool.
Speaker 2:We answered all of them. So if you've asked us a question, there's like a 95% chance we've answered it, and if you haven't heard the answer, it's because it's probably one of the Patreon episodes and we screwed up.
Speaker 1:Yeah, sorry.
Speaker 2:So apologies, try again or let us know.
Speaker 1:Guys, I've been really.
Speaker 2:Let us yeah, just let us know.
Speaker 1:It needs to like if you, if you give us a little heads up.
Speaker 2:We will not do that. On the other, we'll prioritize it. For if you do do the patreon stuff, uh, send us all the questions you want yeah because you're going right to the top of like three out of four episodes. So otherwise we're going to start making up our own how are you feeling about baby number three, though?
Speaker 1:do you have any thoughts to share before?
Speaker 2:whoa man, I feel okay about baby number three. We really did go into it like man. We're feeling like really good, then you died. That it happens every time. But just something about it. You're like oh, oh, no, I think she's dying. Do I need to go get my job back, like I'm never prepared for how long it is yeah, that's really extreme, it is I feel like it was more extreme this time.
Speaker 1:I really do this.
Speaker 2:I think was the sickest, I don't.
Speaker 1:It's maybe lasted the shortest, like I think, but I mean granted, we say the shortest, you puked today like crazy so, but I've had days where I didn't, and it wasn't that way.
Speaker 2:the first couple of my days, yeah, riding a good stretch. I think we felt human again.
Speaker 1:It started to decline this week again. Yeah, it's always longer because what Found out in July? So all of August, all of September. We're almost at the end of October. Yeah, I'm still sick and I'm still going to do things. It's not that it doesn't take me down.
Speaker 2:No, there were a couple.
Speaker 1:You doesn't take me down. Well, there were, there were a couple, I would have to pick your spots. I would say for most of august, well into september I was, I was out on most things. Come here, love you. This is bogey. We realize we never really introduce the dogs when they're chilling. And this is our dog, bogey. She turned 10 year. I got her when I was a senior in college.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And we're the best of friends. Yeah, anyway, I wish I would have planned more to like, maybe have a little more to say in terms of like announcement, but I feel like I'm definitely writing that deep understanding of what people mean by like oh, baby, number three, you know, like it, it's not that the baby's less and less of a deal. Like I'm really excited to do the room and really like focus and create a space for this child and like we're so excited to welcome them into our family.
Speaker 2:Um, it's funny. The funny thing about, I think, is you have more kids, is I feel like we've done some things better with, like Rory, like we've shown up more in other places, and then some of the more like oh, novel things, you, you, you really scale back on Well. I agree, and so it's like okay, we with the first one.
Speaker 2:I wish we'd have done this better and then on the second one, you're like well, we don't need to do a big party for this or a big celebration of this thing no, and I'm not a baby shower girl no I loved.
Speaker 1:My friends did a sprinkle for when I had ro and that was probably my favorite thing I've ever had. It was really small, it was just. It wasn't even like I kind of feel bad because some of my friends weren't even invited Like it was just a local, like small group of friends. It wasn't like a big you know thing and I really enjoyed it. But that's never been my MO and so I do.
Speaker 1:But I also don't think those are the important things. Like to me, the rooms and like the space that they're going to remember from when they're a little kid. That's really important to me and I'm wanting to really create that for the older kids to do this, even though they've had their own rooms and it's not that I don't think that they've had special but I'd like to like really commit and do that because I remember my room when I was a little kid was hand painted, like it had ribbon hand painted around the top and um was just really intentional and I remember those things and I want that for my kids because that was special to me. Um, do you remember your first room?
Speaker 1:my first room like when I was a little little kid yeah, like in north dakota.
Speaker 2:I remember the layout of it. I don't remember details of it. Okay, I don't remember styling of it.
Speaker 1:I lived in my room a lot longer, I think.
Speaker 2:I had the same denim bedspread Okay, like the one that we have, the quilt that we have now. Yeah yeah, it has my name on it.
Speaker 1:So Matt and his brother both have these beautiful quilts. They are really nice, they're really cool. They're all old Levi's, I don't know if they're all Levi's. But they're all old jeans.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's all old denim, jean pockets and jean like samples. I say samples, as though she got samples. I'm sure they were just like my grandpa's jeans.
Speaker 1:I'm sure that they were old. Denim, your grandpa blew holes in and stuff farming.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And they have their names embroidered on them and they're really, really cool.
Speaker 2:They are really cool. They're like a twin-size bedspread, basically.
Speaker 1:And that's always the kind of thing, and we still have it and we use it for picnics with the kids.
Speaker 2:I'm assuming my brother still has his. He does. It's a great blanket. Honestly, they're just like stellar blankets. If you have one that's half denim. It's pretty sick.
Speaker 1:It makes me want to get back into quilting, because I learned to quilt minorly, like easy, not anything complicated, and I made Matt a quilt when he graduated high school. That quilt's actually out in the garage. I saw it and I was like we really no, I found it, yeah, oh did you bring it in?
Speaker 2:It's in the bag? No, actually found it. Yeah, did you bring it in? It's in the bag? No, actually I think it's. I think it's washed and brought in because when I went and cleaned through the garage I think I washed I made sure to wash and like deep clean any blankets or fabrics I brought in from that second garage because I cleaned that garage out your parents garage um well, when I saw it I had the thought I was like oh, there's the quilt I spent 125 hours constructing for Matt to take to his college dorm in a bag in the garage he's lost for years at a time, multiple times.
Speaker 1:I'm like I don't think that means as much to you as it does to me.
Speaker 2:I used it as a bedspread. I used it.
Speaker 1:It was a good like it doesn't.
Speaker 2:I used that quilt in college. You're not as sentimental as me, but I didn't hold on to it. Like no, I held on to it, but I didn't keep good track of it after.
Speaker 1:But anyway, it's made me like wish that I had gotten more into that. Maybe I will Like, maybe I can at some point.
Speaker 2:I don't know if the denim quilts are that complicated. No, they're not a very difficult quilt in terms of like a pattern?
Speaker 1:No, because it's not a double-sided quilt, it's just one.
Speaker 2:It's denim on one side and lined on the other.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean, I think denim's a little bit heavier to weave, it's still a huge project.
Speaker 2:Oh, it's a huge project, but it's just not like a complicated pattern.
Speaker 1:It just squares for G, because our next door neighbor at our old home was an incredible quilter and made her a quilt with her information. She dedicated her house as a quilting room yeah, she was incredibly talented and that was so.
Speaker 2:I was so blown away and yeah um, I was so kind, I think she, I think she dedicated like extra space in her house to make sure it was long enough.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was a whole thing.
Speaker 2:It blows my mind. I don't even know what that means.
Speaker 1:Well, it's hard to do those patterns. We have another buddy that his mom's really into them. That was talking to me about that. That's the hard part about being into quilting is it's hard to have enough space to do them. I guess I don't know like does it like?
Speaker 2:it just needs to stay in place while you work on it I guess I didn't do I guess you're not. Like when you're knitting, you're knitting like a sweater, you're not knitting I didn't do that kind of blanket like yeah the kind of quilt that I did for you is not.
Speaker 1:Was not crazy complicated um.
Speaker 2:I don't know yeah, I guess yours isn't so patchwork, it's more just like these. Are these sheets, they're stitched together in this way.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's like supposed to be really lightweight. Those are the quilts my grandma made for everybody growing up.
Speaker 2:I mean as a blanket weight. It was like you, you gave me a heads up, you're like.
Speaker 1:You want like a lighter, cooler blanket and that's what it's made from it's stuff. That does that. I was intentional.
Speaker 2:You were. You've always been intentional. Intentionality has never been a forte of mine.
Speaker 1:Oh well, I'm a woman.
Speaker 2:It comes from my family. It's never been.
Speaker 1:What was that? Oh, okay.
Speaker 2:Keep a podcast through it. Podcast through it.
Speaker 1:Okay, sorry, sorry, sorry, Okay, sorry, sorry, sorry. Yeah, we're professionals Speaking of your phone that fell on the ground. Do you want to hit Greg's Reads?
Speaker 2:Greg's Reads of the Week. You want to read some Greg's Reads Reads of the Week. I've been holding that cup so that it doesn't bang on the loud metal table that we have. Oh, so be it.
Speaker 1:Greg's Reads I'm still struggling over here.
Speaker 2:A little bit, guys this podcast, but she'll make it. Yeah, I think he sent us some more good ones. The last episode, I know I really hit some gems, some doozies. He sent us introducing the new handbook of men's style. I don't know that. That's really not worthy no, no anxiety for me no, I'll find another five, but I'll find a better.
Speaker 1:Oh, if you don't know what g's reads are.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we should.
Speaker 1:Greg is my dad. He's a pretty cool dude and he likes to read news and articles and all kinds of things online Morning, afternoon and night.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And he sends us articles. That makes him think of us, which is really sweet, but sometimes the headlines really get us.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so we rate them on a one to five scale of how much anxiety they give us.
Speaker 1:There's an article title men's fashion, though very low yeah, no, that was just a real lightweight read. Yeah, I looked into it a little bit, I didn't totally I think that he just you make him think of men's fashion I mean, look at you right now.
Speaker 2:Orange jumpsuit I look like a clementine uh, who's are those uh? Patrick, these are patty holmes. Yeah, patty holmes, a man known for his fashion, I mean that hair that like just styling head to toe idol yeah, even when he wears designer, it's just plastered all over him. It looks like a fucking billboard.
Speaker 1:I don't, I don't know his outfit, just go ahead and take a look at him.
Speaker 2:It's no, it's not subtle. Mahomes is not a subtle man that's okay but here's another article for you. So, yeah, this is kind of an homage. Maybe you have someone in your family that sends you news that scares you. So this harvard prof reveals the two big errors it makes. Oh my gosh, I shouldn't be drinking and reading these. This Harvard prof reveals the two big errors when it comes to money in America. Warns you're in big trouble. Dot, dot dot.
Speaker 1:Oh.
Speaker 2:Apple News has a real tendency to cut off article titles Like a two out of five.
Speaker 1:That's not too bad for me.
Speaker 2:Two big errors. You're okay with two big errors.
Speaker 1:Yeah, might as well, and like it sounds like it's going to help me, not shame me.
Speaker 2:Ah, you know what I mean. It's not like you're a bad person if you do this.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Sometimes, even though that's not what the article titles say. That's how I read it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you feel attacked.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:That's fine, I'll give it a three out of five Warns. You're in big trouble. Yeah, it's actually warns you're in big TR, dot, dot dot. But I'm going to assume that means big trouble.
Speaker 1:Big trout fish that's the only.
Speaker 2:Thing.
Speaker 1:I've thought of You're in big travel mode, I don't know Stupid.
Speaker 2:Anyway, let's read another one. These are the deadliest foods Americans eat every single day. Take these out of your diet as and but all caps, as I'm assuming it's as soon as possible.
Speaker 1:Asap, I bet it's asap I. That's higher. For me that's like a three and a half, maybe even a four, just because I've really been on a big kick the last couple weeks reading about which I. This has always interested me in some capacity, but our food supply is so messed up in america elaborate like the regulations have gotten so lax. It's why we're seeing the e coli breakouts, the listeria breakouts all that like there's like 12 billion, that's. That's not right. I think it's 12 million, but like something of meat being recalled right now.
Speaker 2:Units, units of meat?
Speaker 1:I don't know if it's dollars or pounds.
Speaker 2:I have no idea. Dollars and pounds are way off in the meat game.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't. That's why I'm like don't actually quote me on that, but it's like I mean a lot of meat, it's really bad. Recalling meat kind, like I mean a lot of meat. It's really bad, I think, like it kind of sucks in general. Actually, just look it up, rather than me trying to tell you this, but I think like 49 people have died or something like that, or maybe 49 people were hospitalized? I don't recall I can't quote things like this because the numbers get really jumbled in my head major listeria recalls show.
Speaker 2:Food safety will never be perfect. That's part of it. Yeah 20 million pounds 20 million pounds. Yeah that sounds right. All told, 20 million pounds of meat and poultry products sold at Trader Joe's, walmart, target, ralph's and others have been recalled since July.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Shoot.
Speaker 1:How many people have been hospitalized?
Speaker 2:You know, I don't know if this article has anything about that?
Speaker 1:It said in the article.
Speaker 2:I read like people have died though yeah, I mean, listeria is not good for you.
Speaker 1:No, there's e coli no, no, no no like it, it'll mess you up and so, anyway, I've been reading a lot about why all of that's happening, and your dad's comment. Under this it says wow, so pretty much 90 of what's available to consume can kill you and we're all still living twice as long as people did a hundred years ago see, I I think that that's always like a dramatic not him, but like I feel like a lot of people translate the information like that and I feel like it's like a kind of dramatic translation of.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, like there, that is such a complicated question. When it comes to everything, though, Right. It's like are we better at making medicine that keeps people alive? Are we better at detecting like things that go wrong? Has it always been an issue? Is it happening more frequently? It's almost like something worse.
Speaker 1:We're thinking about, though, is because there's a degree of like things have always happened but think about, we have probably, not probably we have a huge increase of food safety across the board because of the way foods are processed. Now, like we have a lot of, like we're better at food safety. Yeah, we're better at food safety than we were a hundred years ago, oh for sure.
Speaker 2:Well, there's a reason that, like a lot of people's grandparents and great-grandparents want their meat cooked well done right it's not just because they like the flavor cooked out of it it's because like that was a safer way to go right.
Speaker 1:I had never thought about that being why older generations like things all the way done it has like something to do with it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there's just there was. They cooked their chicken longer, they cooked their steak longer, and it's because there was always a risk that right it wasn't cooked long enough, you'd get listeria.
Speaker 1:Right, that makes sense. And listeria is a lot scarier when you're pregnant too. Yeah, most diseases are it's scary, no matter what, but it's really not good, and so I've been really mindful of that. I think that's part of why I've been paying more attention too. It's I just want to be more aware of what recalls and stuff are going on, but you can barely stand the smell of meat anyways.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, I'm not eating a lot of meat. What's our word of the week? Word of the week Are you aware of what doggedly means?
Speaker 1:Doggedly.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Like they were doing something doggedly.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:No. In a persistent or tenacious manner oh, that's never where I would have gone with that okay, they're going after it doggedly I don't think I like that got that dog in you okay, that helped me actually I figured it would.
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay, I know you doggedly yeah, okay means you got that dog in you.
Speaker 1:Okay, you're persistent, tenacious yeah so doggedly I don't think I'm gonna use that one doggedly. I remember really liking last week yeah I remember really liking last week's word and then I haven't retained it yeah oh, uh flump.
Speaker 2:No, that's a classic, an oldie, but a goodie oh, okay flump was way back okay, well no, the last week's was jounce jounce same kind of thing. I guess that's why you know she loves a word that means like how it sounds, yeah I really do jounce, that's right, yeah got jounced around in the car. It just means bounce, basically.
Speaker 2:I really do like that one, that one I could use, that one I could remember, you know well, that's what I'm here for yeah, I'm not always good at the word in you and to keep you jounced yeah, I don't know how I feel about that anyway, every time you just don't like how I use it no, okay, so halloween party tonight yeah and we are fully committed to our SNL costumes. Yeet.
Speaker 1:But for actual Halloween we're not doing family costumes.
Speaker 2:Not that I'm aware of.
Speaker 1:So it's late in the game, do you think that because we've never done a family costume, Are we just not family costume people?
Speaker 2:We haven't done a family? I guess not. Yeah. I guess, anytime that she's been costume ready, we've just been like, okay, well, you're in costume.
Speaker 1:We did Ice Ice Baby when she was new, that's true.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:And when she was a dog, I made us PetSmart working tags.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. But not really, you know, yeah, we haven't really gone in on a family costume yeah honestly, what we're doing right now is one of the more cohesive costumes I think we've had in a minute yeah, we've been.
Speaker 1:Last year was bad. We did not commit to halloween. Yeah, we went to a barbie themed halloween party.
Speaker 2:Oh, it was barbie themed, so everybody just got to be like different barbies and you, you were really like you were. I had a specific barbie. It was niche. There was nobody that has ever seen that Barbie. No, but you were spot on. But I was a very close relation to that Barbie. You were like a generic exercise, barbie.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I've watched a ton of, or seen a ton of pictures of, family costumes Like pop up. It's that time of year, like you know. Obviously tons of costumes are popping up and I just it made me start thinking to myself. I was like, are we just not? What are great planners?
Speaker 2:I think is our main issue, is we're like yeah family costume, but it's, you know, four days before halloween yeah, I guess that makes sense even amazon's.
Speaker 1:Like forget about it, man, like we can't get you something that fast no, and I don't like to order on there, if I can avoid it.
Speaker 2:You're saying like even if you can you're like hey, I'm gonna try and prime it and then half the stuff you try and prime for halloween is like make it yeah, we'll prime you like groceries, but we're not gonna prime you this random pair of glasses yeah in two days, so enjoy it in a week you know a hot, uh hot opinion that people have hot opinion is who should be the main character when dressing as a family costume oh, kids versus adults.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, I mean, I think that's so, that's so costume dependent though it's like it's the main you're they're saying like in terms of the holiday, like yeah for the kids, or this is a holiday for the adults well, nobody's arguing one way.
Speaker 1:I can tell you that it's for adults.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh, you're spooky scary. No skeletons like these. What the moms that make like themselves rapunzel and their kid like the chameleon Got it, got it, got it, got it when they're a new baby. I don't really have a problem with it because I would say, before they can tell you what they want to be fire away.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like they'll make themselves the main role. Yeah, and then the kids all supporting.
Speaker 2:You know If you're getting no input from a little person like what are you worried about? I agree that little person like what? What are you worried about?
Speaker 1:I'm done with it there as well, and I also think it really is dependent on how kid feels because, like our kid loves a supporting role she likes to be involved, she preferred not like we wouldn't assign her one, but I think she would pick one for herself, like she wanted you to be bowser yeah, but that said she wanted to be mario yeah, she did that's main character right, yeah, no, that's honestly not the best example because there's a lot of like there's a lot of characters.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she wanted equity amongst the characters after mario yeah it's like a number one with a bullet and then.
Speaker 1:But everybody else is like but I also don't think it would have been weird if she wanted to be like Princess Peach or like no, you know I don't know At all. I don't know she.
Speaker 2:I think we've done a pretty good job not teaching our kid gendered things. Since she wanted to be Mario, what else did she want to be?
Speaker 1:The very hungry caterpillar.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she wanted to be the hungry caterpillar there for for a minute. We showed her that book.
Speaker 1:Mario and a Dino Rancher.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she hasn't even picked a Dino Rancher.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she has.
Speaker 2:Which one?
Speaker 1:The purple one.
Speaker 2:The purple dinosaur.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it has a name, and she told me the name.
Speaker 2:Oh, I don't know the names at all. I don't either. I will say our kids' capacity for remembering names on shows is mind-boggling. She will have watched a show one time part of it is that when I watch a kid's show, I'm absorbing no information no I can't tell you more than like four paw patrol members we'll walk by something.
Speaker 1:She'll be like that's balto, I'm like wow, that's atlas.
Speaker 2:You're like I've never heard of that person, always right, wasn't aware that that was a character. You're like I just assume they made it for toys to sell you extra toys. She's like no, no, that's the one that helped them find the dinosaurs. And it could be an episode. She loves the Paw Patrol sneeze episode. I don't know what happens in that episode. I've seen it. I bet 12 times. Yeah, something about it just does not absorb for me. Yeah, but she has an encyclopedic knowledge of her, her media characters.
Speaker 1:You're really good like you're also really, you're still that adult like you're still a kid no like. Think about when we make a reference. There is almost no celebrity or athlete. I feel like that you can't pull in your head. Like you're like yeah, this.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I've learned recently that that is just a like AUHD-like way of just fitting in. Oh it's just like if I have a deep enough knowledge of stuff, I can blend into anything.
Speaker 1:Okay, yeah Well, your knowledge goes really deep, no it works. It's served me well through life. Okay, tell me more about that.
Speaker 2:Apparently Did you learn this in therapy, yeah, oh, okay, no, just being ADHD or autistic or whatever on the spectrum between the two. Where I am, I learned very early that my best skills for blending in were to like absorb as much knowledge and be as close of an impression to whoever's around me, and so it's like blend in, don't stand out. So I I learned a lot of things and so that that teaches you the skill of like learning just enough about stuff to blend in, not stand out like don't know nothing about anything.
Speaker 2:You don't have to know everything about anything either that stands out to me yeah, well, I mean it stands out on a whole like as a person, because I'm around you a lot individual conversation. Yeah, yeah, it's something that people that are around you all the time will notice, but if they're around you all the time you're, you're probably already good already in.
Speaker 1:But people that you're not close to just think you know a lot, happen to know a lot about the topic you were talking about.
Speaker 2:Just relate to the person right it's much more about like oh, they're really into trains. Here's the one train I know something about. I don't know about trains. That was a terrible example. I wish I had something better but that's not true though I couldn't name a single train okay thomas oh no, I was joking I didn't know. We meant like that no, no, no, but like it's stuff like that.
Speaker 1:It's like no what are the wheels on a train called?
Speaker 2:I don't know I don't know either rollers if I said that confidently, though you've been like sure.
Speaker 1:All right, cool rollers no, literally I I believe anything matt tells me yeah last night I haven't told you about this while we were at the bar, we sat down with this like these people we didn't know, who were also like at the event with the same group we were with, and she was like so convincingly looked at us and said, yeah, he got attacked or no, not attacked. That would have been like a flag for me. She's like yeah, he ended up getting in a fight with a bear on a hike last week and broke a rib. I'm not saying it in a way that whatever, but I was listening. She's like it was a cub, like it wasn't like a Did somebody run into you?
Speaker 2:Yeah, where's the context for this?
Speaker 1:story. There was context, I don't.
Speaker 2:You were at a bar. No, it's at the same bar. We were up on a patio. Okay, we're up on a patio, patio bar.
Speaker 1:They were sitting in an area that had like eight chairs.
Speaker 2:Okay, but there were only. Is it a conversation you're just overhearing? You're like eavesdropping on these people.
Speaker 1:No, not at all. We sat down and I don't remember what like started it.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:But all of us were like no way, like where were?
Speaker 2:you.
Speaker 1:Just like full commit, and they were like did you really believe that? And I'm like I'm not going to repeat probably a story like that that somebody well, here. I am repeating it. Yeah, on a story like that. That somebody well, here I am repeating it. Yeah, on a podcast, like, but I'm probably not going to repeat that story anybody like it's true, and so, no matter what anybody tells me that I don't know, I'm like yeah, if you want, like, let's go with it yeah because I was trying to figure out.
Speaker 1:I told them I was like the big red flag for me is how did you break a rib? But you broke no skin anywhere, like you're good, just broke ribs. It's like, did the cub body slam you into the ground? Like I was like I had some questions, just like your finishing move how did the cub yeah and they were like no, the cub definitely won.
Speaker 2:Like I'm so sorry that I'm so sorry, you gotta be by there yeah, anyway that is the question, right?
Speaker 1:yeah, we had a whole the bear, the man we had a whole talk about it and they kept like swinging out kind of like half lies the whole time to us and I wouldn't call them on anything. I was just like love it, great, they're like we love how just like down you are.
Speaker 2:I'm like I don't care there is a category of person that, just if they are that willing to lie to you, it's better to just be like wow, that's the coolest that's incredible, yeah like.
Speaker 1:I cannot believe that you survived diving out of an airplane without a parachute and they were just having fun like messing with each other, like they weren't telling their own lies, gotcha. They were like telling lies for each other and then seeing if the other one would like go with it or not it was funny, got it anyway it was a good time had to be there yeah, had to be there. It was good. I'm not a good storyteller, but I wanted you to know I sometimes she's just like we don't.
Speaker 2:This isn't a podcast. It's really about like telling you guys stuff we just catch up about yeah, this is how Matt and I catch up. Sometimes you know how we tell you to take an hour every week, every month, to catch up with your partner. Yeah, we just turn it into media.
Speaker 1:I also had somebody stop me and tell me that I was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. That was really nice.
Speaker 2:It sounded like you got gassed up last night.
Speaker 1:By this guy.
Speaker 2:yeah, I mean, you were looking good when you went out. I just was not aware that you were on the.
Speaker 1:Not compared to the people I was with, Like I was with. Anyway, I don't think.
Speaker 2:I'm unattractive. That's not what I mean. I don't know what everyone looks like, that you were with, but I was with. Actually, you looked solid going out.
Speaker 1:Thanks.
Speaker 2:I that it was like I was like matt, a number with a bullet. I was like, well, and I didn't everybody was dressed in.
Speaker 1:I don't know if you were the headliner. Everybody else was just opening act. I don't know that, that's what I was hearing, but I don't know if it was that I wasn't in costume and everybody else was in costume, like do you know what I mean?
Speaker 2:everybody else picked a stupid costume. I just went out to be hot, yeah I just, but I didn't.
Speaker 1:I like I looked pregnant.
Speaker 2:I did like I didn't look pregnant enough that anybody called it like people you've got you're built, we're big enough people that it takes till the 20s, I think, to really be like she's pregnant, pregnant yeah, up until then it's like okay that girl like, because you have, you're very small, waisted like you're tall now. You're tall and you're broad, but that means but you have a very small waist, regardless of like how much weight you're carrying, it's not a weight.
Speaker 1:Thanks, that's really nice.
Speaker 2:Just you know, I always have to qualify statements to make everybody feel okay and not possibly insult anybody. It's not that you're.
Speaker 1:It's not a compliment.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh yeah, I would never compliment her, guys Don't get carried away.
Speaker 1:No, but I want to talk about the one individual guy, matt's like there was all she was talking about.
Speaker 2:She's like stop talking, dude. Stop telling me that.
Speaker 1:I'm not Well Matt's acting like. I got home and I was like 45 people told me I looked good. There was one person.
Speaker 2:I don't know. It sounded like there was a couple people.
Speaker 1:No, there was one person. Well, there was one person that really went for it, but it sounded like you were really good and I wanted to bring it up, though, because he didn't want to tell me who he thought I looked like, because he was afraid I'd be offended and I was like. I looked him dead in the eyes. I was like Alan Rickman.
Speaker 2:I know we're twins Like.
Speaker 2:I really thought that's what he was gonna say, because people you have a remarkable resemblance to alan we look so much alike genuinely you look alike in the way that, like you, could be a child or a grandchild a hundred percent we look, not that it's like oh, that's alan rickman. But you look and you're like, oh, okay, these distinguishing features and proportions of them are similar and I will tell you, if you think that's an insult, like a young alan rickman. Young alan rickman was a babe also like it's fine that I don't young alan rickman, my man.
Speaker 2:I say he was a babe, yeah, yeah he was a babe um.
Speaker 1:He was a good looking dude born a babe died a babe. Yeah, love alan rickman, but like no, for sure, diana babe, in terms of acting I think that he did a great job well, I think that his role of snape really pigeonholed him yeah because he plays like an attractive guy in a lot of other films that's true.
Speaker 2:That's true if you see anything that's not harry potter with alan rickman, which you may not even recognize him, because in harry potter they're like, yeah, he's the like creepy slytherin professor that like you can't tell if he's good or bad right but in other ones they're like Alan Rickman love interest yeah, yeah, like anyway what's is it? It's not love, actually, but it's yeah, it's love actually.
Speaker 2:Yeah, now you have me questioning myself, I really actually I think it's one of those, though one of the compilation. I thought it was like a weirder one I don't think so.
Speaker 1:One of the movies that you and, like your sisters, like I think it's, I think it's love actually, yeah, it's love actually, yeah, okay, and he plays like the bad, like the, not a good dude like, like the douchey yeah, anyway, I always think that's the significant other you cheat on.
Speaker 2:I think.
Speaker 1:When people tell me that they want to tell Like I look like somebody, but they don't want to tell me I'm like it's Alan Rickman. Yeah, but no. I was really shocked when he said this to me because I was like why would I be offended by that, emma Darcy?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:From House of the Dragon. Yeah, that um emma darcy yeah, from house of the dragon, yeah, yeah and uh, he was like you look like them, specifically in house of the dragon. I was like thank you, yeah, I was. Anyway, I was like that's not in the show.
Speaker 2:We should probably clarify for people who watch but don't know the actor's name.
Speaker 1:The main dragon girlie.
Speaker 2:The dragon lady, the Targaryen girlie I can't remember her name at all.
Speaker 1:I don't have it either.
Speaker 2:It's killing me, rhaenyra.
Speaker 1:Rhaenyra.
Speaker 2:Rhaenyra.
Speaker 1:Who's Daenerys?
Speaker 2:Oh, Daenerys yeah.
Speaker 1:Sorry, that's Game of Thrones.
Speaker 2:No, I know Rhaenyra is House of the Dragon Right. No, I know, rhaenyra is House of the Dragon Right. Rhaenyra is the actor that. Old Rhaenyra, yes, not young Rhaenyra, yes, because those were two different actors. Correct, that was the whole thing, correct, yeah, but yes, anyway, that makes sense.
Speaker 1:I guess a little bit, no, it's not the first time somebody said that to me. I can see what kind I was surprised that he thought I would be offended Anyway.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you assumed Alan Rickman.
Speaker 1:Which I'm also not offended by.
Speaker 2:Snape, yeah, I get it.
Speaker 1:Honestly, anybody can compare me to about anybody. It doesn't really hurt my feelings.
Speaker 2:You can show up in movies. You're probably above average looking.
Speaker 1:I'm also not sensitive at all about what I look like.
Speaker 2:No, you are fairly like. I think swimming gave you that you think.
Speaker 1:Yeah, see, I still still think, and I've said this before, so you guys, this is on repeat, but I genuinely think it was just like not even being in the competition in high school I think that was some of like, where you're like okay with not competing up or down.
Speaker 2:I think your comfortability with your body is very sweet.
Speaker 1:Yeah, oh, I agree with that about my body 100 that's like, okay, I'm gonna look at other people's bodies, I'm gonna be in my own body, I'm gonna be well the least amount of clothing for hours and hours, and the value of everybody there's bodies was their strength and their flexibility and their speed, skill and um, a lot of different bodies went a lot of different speeds, like you know. Yeah, I, I really I agree with you there I definitely have a different outlook.
Speaker 2:Well, it's like you were in a swimsuit for hours a day, every day I never thought about it.
Speaker 1:I was around boys wearing.
Speaker 2:Well, I don't know that it was a sport that you could be that advanced in and think about it like if you were constantly conscious of your body, why would you keep swimming? No, it'd be hard yeah and so it's like I think you had to do that as part of the sport, and I I think it helped me in my relationship with men too.
Speaker 1:Growing up around like I don't think about things like I was around a lot of. I feel like a lot of women might be comfortable with their own bodies by themselves, but they feel uncomfortable around men, or they feel uncomfortable around women and like right, I was around all kinds of girls and boys every day in a, you were seeing barely clothed men and women and nobody, and and it wasn't ever commented on even when we got to ages teenagers where people are dating their relationships and people are getting a little more.
Speaker 2:You know, I think it does I think it desensitizes you to bodies, yeah, shapes, sizes, like whatever in between, which I think is good in general, I think most people have a very negative relationship on the other side. I I know I do personally Just like. It's much more about perception of body and I think swimming very much put you through this like exposure therapy to body. Like your body and other people's bodies are on display.
Speaker 1:I think that it was a combination of swimming and my mom not talking about her body at all and my dad every time he spoke of my mom in any kind of sense was always really positive yeah um, and so I just didn't hear negative things about bodies yeah, yeah, other than like my mom's not working yeah like that wasn't an evaluation of like her, though it didn't it didn't reflect on her right, it's like
Speaker 1:okay, well, this is a thing right, but I think that it was a lot harder to judge the appearance of your body when you had somebody in front of you that didn't have the mobility of theirs yeah, I don't know, so I think it's a combination of a lot of things, yeah perfect storm.
Speaker 2:I always think of swimming as, like a lot of people you swim with, don't have that relationship either right like I can't that's why I don't think it's like soloed that yeah, but I just like I think I can't think of people with that you grew up swimming with, that like have weird body relationships. That you grew up swimming with, that have weird body relationships.
Speaker 1:But everybody I grew up swimming with is hot now yeah.
Speaker 2:I can think of some of the friends that you have the fluctuations in their own bodies through life. I feel like they have been comfortable with it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I bet it's really hard being 6'4 and shredded.
Speaker 2:But they haven't always been shredded. There's times where they're less shredded.
Speaker 1:Tell me when Albert's not been shredded. I'm not talking about Albert.
Speaker 2:Albie. Albie's been shredded. He's always been shredded. I feel like he's only, he's exclusively been hot, he's only gotten hotter.
Speaker 1:That's who immediately comes to my mind.
Speaker 2:That's not who I'm thinking of. I'm thinking of anyone else you swam with.
Speaker 1:I don't know. I feel like everybody that I grew up swimming with. This is something that I feel like I have a little bit of self-conscious with. It's still so in shape.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And they run marathons and they are CrossFit instructors. Yeah, and they run marathons and they, like, are crossfit.
Speaker 2:think about your good instructors. And ross like yeah, I guess he cycled up and down yeah, I guess, but not that he's ever been like wildly out of shape.
Speaker 1:I'm just saying like I feel like he's always been in shape, though, like they all have been. I think of that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's like they're comfortable with, like the it's just not that important, yeah like hey, this is how I function, but they separate that like this is how I feel. Most people I don't think have that relationship of like this is how I look and this is how I feel yeah it's like how I look is how I feel yeah, okay, that makes sense yeah, the fact you can't comprehend it, I think, is what I'm talking about.
Speaker 2:Yeah, sorry guys yeah, you're like I don't know. There's some people that just always been hot and I'm like that's not what I'm talking about. Some people are hot and don't think they're hot. That's true. That's true, like if they're a little bit less hot than they used to be.
Speaker 1:I will say that, though, about swimming in general is like everyone I know, they really take care of themselves.
Speaker 2:I think you have to compete in sport and I think it teaches you appreciation. Compared to a lot of them, I feel like I like, I feel like I do a decent job I, but I've never enjoyed working out. I just don't I really hate it.
Speaker 1:You feel better after it I, I but you have no love for it in the moment and I value it like I always say that I have a trainer that comes and it's probably the best situation I've ever had for working out regularly and I still like I love her and I value what she does but you would rather talk to her than work out.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, every time I hate it and I don't think that's a perspective I hear very much. People are always like it's gonna make you feel so good. You're gonna. You'll just end up loving it and I have never hit that ever no ever when I work out.
Speaker 1:It's the only time I like I know you think about myself I know you love it and I love like I think that's how it is for a lot of people and I really thought that someday I would find that and I have tried and I've gotten good at a lot of things it's not that you're not strong.
Speaker 2:It's not that you're not good at working out, hate it like. You're like, I don't love this. I don't. It provides me I. Would you do get a little bit out of like finishing it and be like okay, I feel better in my body, but you're not like, I love the experience of it I'd rather read a book you love the experience of.
Speaker 1:No, I'd rather read a book like I like to go on a walk you know, but unless it gets a little fast no, I don't know. Like fuck this, I'm not trying to like elevate my no.
Speaker 2:You're like, I like being outside. I don't care about walking as exercise.
Speaker 1:But I don't. It's not that I like being sedentary, I like to go do things. No, absolutely.
Speaker 2:I like to water ski, unless they get slightly difficult. I don't know that that's no water. Skiing is a bad. I'm just saying you're not out there, for the is a bad, like I'm just saying like you're not out there for the.
Speaker 1:I want it to be fun. I want to play the effort of. It does not.
Speaker 2:No, it doesn't appeal to me at all like it. Maybe that's what it is.
Speaker 1:Maybe it's the effort doesn't feel good I like to just I'd rather be doing something where we're playing like we could do a workout, where it's like a competition and we're if it was just throwing weights at each other or like seeing how far we could throw them right all day like that I could, I would participate in for you need it super gamified you don't need like exercises no repetition no well, think about.
Speaker 1:It makes me think of like us learning the tiktok dances, like that takes effort, like you know what I mean, some of you're also like, as soon as I don't have fun, I want to move on right, I'm like I need to learn this move yeah this move doesn't look right and you're like now you've taken it seriously and I'm moving on well, I just know I'm not a dancer, so I don't accept that I'm not anything yeah, it's a personal issue that I have I have no problem being bad at something.
Speaker 1:That is a big difference in us I I despise being bad at anything.
Speaker 2:I despise being not bad, just like not good at stuff.
Speaker 1:It happens. Yeah, again, that is part of my blend.
Speaker 2:in Don't be bad at anything.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we better get to our party.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we should do that.
Speaker 1:We love you guys, though, and we're happy to be here at the beginning. Yeet, skrt, skrt, Crank that I'm doing your part at this point. That's fine. You never loved me, mom, but I needed you anyway.
Speaker 2:Matt was like we just need to be.
Speaker 1:I told Matt we just need to be like throwing skeets and yurts Skeet, yeet, skirt, wait not skeet. Yeet and skirt that fits Yurt. Ah, skeet, skeet, skeet, skeet, skeet, skeet.
Speaker 2:That's our generation, guys. Yeah, we're past our generation.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you can tell that we don't fit in with our. Yeah, anyway, we love you guys. If you want to subscribe to hear us every week, patreon's in the link in bio.
Speaker 2:If you don't, no hard feelings, we'll see you next month. If you want those on the big episodes, not the Patreon, yeah flag, that for us then it's going to be a month until you hear anything. We'll do our best. Love y'all, bye, bye.