Oversharing with the Overbys
Welcome to Oversharing with The Overbys! In this podcast series, Jo and Matt Overby cover a wide variety of topics—from parenting lessons, life stories, to personal relationships. Take an inside look on the lives of Jo and Matt as they navigate the adventures of adulthood and overshare online.
Episodes available monthly with a weekly option available via Patreon if you're looking for more!
Oversharing with the Overbys
Amateur Plumbing Adventures
This week’s abbreviated episode of Oversharing with the Overbys takes you on our unexpected adventure through the mud, as we recount the chaos that ensued from a water main break at our house and our daughter's third birthday. We'll be back to full episode's next week, but we appreciate all of our listeners and are looking forward to podcasting with running water next week.
If you've got a voicemail or want our (likely unqualified) advice on something, hit us up at the Speakpipe link below!
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Website: https://jojohnsonoverby.com/
Watch the Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29Si0ylWz2qj5t6hYHSCxYkvZCDGejGq
Hello, hello, and it is not our normal kind of episode of Oversharing.
Speaker 2:I was going to say, if you wanted to just try and do the intro, I haven't listened to it in a minute.
Speaker 1:Welcome to Oversharing with the Overbees. I'm Jo and I'm Matt and I don't remember what the rest of it is.
Speaker 2:Bye-bye, Diddy Bees.
Speaker 1:We could insert it here but I think we're just going to go with this, yeah, but I think we're just going to go with this, yeah. This week is not going to be a full episode because if you follow us on any other of our platforms, you saw that we had a water main break.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And so we do. Holiday, jay, which is what we'll be updating you on in next week's episode. We have had all kinds of birthdays my mom's and Cardi's and we had two days set aside that we knew we'd be able to record, and then our water main broke, and so Matt's been shoulder deep in mud for two full days, and for those of you that DM'd me to let me know how impressed you were that Matt did it go ahead. You know we'll do a little recap on the water main break and then we're going to wait and see you guys next week.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so we got. We got home Sunday, so three days ago. When this comes out, um went to bed looking forward to kicking off the week.
Speaker 1:Monday fresh start okay, pause, I need you guys to. I have my asmr for the week and I want to drink this while you're telling the story. Love that, okay now, that's not that's not an alani, can that's?
Speaker 2:a dr pepper, yeah, it's got a little bit of a different, you know, I think, a heartier tone.
Speaker 1:Ooh, yeah, anyway, okay, we got back.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so Monday we kicked the day off.
Speaker 1:We got back late Sunday.
Speaker 2:Yeah, late Sunday. Usually I kick the day off with the kids so they wake up, I do breakfast with them and we chill for a little bit.
Speaker 1:And I had an appointment at 9.
Speaker 2:Yep and 8 o'clock our neighbor shoots us a text and we've got a good relationship with our neighbor and she just goes. Hey, I don't know if you guys are running a garden hose up at the butterfly garden or if you're watering something in the side yard, but we've got water running out the retaining wall that runs between.
Speaker 1:On their driveway.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that runs next to their driveway, and thank.
Speaker 1:Jesus Christ, oh my gosh, she between on their driveway.
Speaker 2:Yeah that that runs next to their driveway and, thank jesus christ, she texted us it's good she texted us that that was happening, because there's a real chance we wouldn't have noticed the leak there's no way, for it's not like we look at their driveway. Six hours, 12 hours oh, I, I think it would have been days it'd have been unless our water was impacted I think the city would have come out at some point and been like hey, are you filling a pool?
Speaker 1:And I'm wondering if our water wouldn't have been running right.
Speaker 2:Maybe, although we had water that morning, it didn't seem to be causing an issue.
Speaker 1:Anyway, to wash your hands but if you start trying to move a lot of water, like showering or I don't know anyway, who knows, start trying to move a lot of water like showering or I don't know.
Speaker 2:Anyway, tb, who knows? We didn't have to get that, because our neighbor's text like hey you know, there's water running out of our retaining wall and like that can happen sometimes if we get a lot of rain or well, that's what you thought yeah, and so we've had some different things where, like, if we get a big rain runoff can run their way and because our stuff is not landscaped.
Speaker 2:That's a whole nother yeah thing we have to work on it's important to have a good landscaping plan to divert water and all that jazz. Anyway, I was like, oh okay, no big deal. I didn't really think about what she was saying until 20 minutes later when I went and was like, hey, did you see her text? I told her, hey, we'll figure it out today.
Speaker 1:Um and I came out and I said did you go out and look at it yet? And you were like what do you mean? I'll go check on it later. And I said, no, matt, it has not rained. There's like a break in our water line. And then you were like, oh shit.
Speaker 2:I was like, oh no, I'm realizing what she's saying now, where she's talking about water coming out. That's never happened before and I knew what was there. Also because, uh, we're on city water. So there's a meter that they put close to the road where they run the main water lines, um, and then that tells the city how much water you're using at your house. So there's a shutoff valve that's in our driveway. Anyway, I go out there and I look and the water between the city valve and our valve, like there's water coming out of the ground and running through the wall and, uh, it's got to be buried a couple of feet deep, which means we have a lot of water, a lot of water flowing, and like there's moving water on top of the ground. So it's, it's not coming out slowly, it's not seeping out, it's pouring out. And I pop open the city meter and the numbers are just spinning.
Speaker 2:Like we're just dumping water out of this break. So I call the city up. I'm like hey, um, you're going to want to send somebody out here and shut off the meter. We've got a major break in the main line. They came out quick I mean they were there in 10 minutes probably Came out, shut, the valve, water stops and then I have to go, okay.
Speaker 1:We get the babysitter set up with the kids because we don't have water to the house, so the kids go on an impromptu trip with our babysitter to the library and this is like first thing Monday morning.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this is where we like to hit the ground running.
Speaker 1:June is our craziest month, and Matt and I have plans. We have content plans. This week, we've been traveling. We're ready to get back on it. I'm traveling next week, and so we're trying to get back on it.
Speaker 2:I'm traveling next week, and so like we're trying to get our act together. We have a podcast we'd like to record at some point in that day, Like we have so much to do, so much to do, and all of a sudden, you can't flush a toilet in our house.
Speaker 2:And so I was like, Okay, and I look at it and I'm like, if I call a plumber assuming they get out here now, which is a big assumption this is going to be thousands of dollars A few plumbing adjusters follow me and they DM'd me when they saw you were doing it and they were like do you realize how much money he's saving you?
Speaker 1:And they asked me some questions about it and they're like that's like a $3,500 fix. Yeah, like that's they're like that's the floor of what you were looking at.
Speaker 2:Because half the time a plumber subcontracts out the digging. Looking for the leak yeah, thankfully it was a really big leak, because a slow leak would have been really a lot harder to find, because it wouldn't have put all the water out right where it was.
Speaker 1:Wait, I want to put my two cents into this because, this is where I think it was so impressive. Matt measures out, like he looks at where the line runs in our side yard and then he looks at where the water's running in the driveway and he marks it with little markers before they turn the water off.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And they turn the water off and then he starts digging a hole. He was within eight inches. Eight inches, and how how many feet do you think what we have? 40, 50 feet 75 feet probably 75 feet. Okay, so we have 75 feet of line where there could have been a break, and he nailed it within eight inches of this break on his first dig. Like you, only had to dig up four feet of trench, not that that's not really difficult.
Speaker 2:Well, I knew the line had to run from the city valve to our valve and most likely it was run in a straight line. And so I just was like, okay, I don't know exactly where it is left to right, so I'm going to dig. I'm going to dig a line like a, you know, perpendicular to the water line, that way I can find where it is. I mean, you nailed it, I did. I did do a good job finding it. And then that way, when I had a line and I figured out where the water line was, I could know is the water coming from the left side of the hole or the right side of the hole? And so, uh, I went like 12 inches right and it was getting drier. And then I went, I don't know, 12 inches left and there was a two inch break in our water line and I was like, well, that looks suspiciously like something that pours a lot of water out, and so I dig it out. Uh, I call my dad in cause. He's got a lot of background and, um, just stuff.
Speaker 1:He didn't really help you physically do anything.
Speaker 2:He just kind of he grew up on a farm and he's done a lot of work. I'm not saying he didn't help. I'm just saying like he kind of just was there for hoorah. I hadn't bouncing ideas off and like telling me where I put my tools, because I also needed to go to the pharmacy and get my ADHD meds refilled, do you?
Speaker 1:know how Matt paid him back.
Speaker 2:He threw a wrench at him that was 24 hours later into the job. It wasn't at him, it just took a bad hop and it got closer to him than I would have liked. It wasn't at him, it just it took a bad hop and it got closer to him than I would have liked. Um, anyway, that should give you a tell into the mindset of how this went, but it really wasn't the word okay day one was great.
Speaker 1:You were downright chipper. I think you really enjoyed it. It made me think that maybe you should have gone into plumbing.
Speaker 2:I hate plumbing so much I don't I. Plumbing is a frustrating job so happy were so happy. I was happy that I was saving a lot of money and that I got our water back on by the evening.
Speaker 1:That's what I was happy about you were riding a high. Yeah, and on top of that, matt doesn't necessarily know this because I didn't show him any of the messages, but I was like giving people a play-by-play on my story and people were eating it up. Yeah, on my story and people were eating it up. I was not prepared for how many messages I was going to get. People were like, oh my God, I am really into your husband and I'm like, well, he's covered in mud. You shouldn't be.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think last week I talked about how much I don't like being muddy. You did.
Speaker 1:I think you brought this upon yourself.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was basically a nightmare for me. But I will say there's kind of a breaking point where, when you start to get muddy, that you're like, okay, this is my life now and I'm going to have to be okay with it because it's not going to change for a while. It's not going to change until you get the water back on and can wash yourself off.
Speaker 1:Mud doesn't bother me.
Speaker 2:Mud isn't as bad as like drying dirt and like gritty in my fingers.
Speaker 1:That doesn't bother me either. I don't like that a lot.
Speaker 2:But I got into the point where I was like, okay, I'm just a mud person now Mud person. I was painting my face in mud. I was trying to use it as sunscreen. I burned the bejesus out of my shoulders because I was laying in a hole all day.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I came out and said hey babe, I can bring you sunscreen. You should put some sunscreen on.
Speaker 2:I was doing bits. Yeah, I took mud out and I put it on my shoulders. And I was like, ooh, I used it like eye black, yeah, anyway. So I dug a hole. We came up with some options to fix it. We drove to three different hardware stores to try and find parts to fix it.
Speaker 2:Nobody had like really the ideal stuff, and so finally we got enough parts to put a little patchwork fix together, basically a cheapo fix um so that I could get the water turned on, we could take showers, we could flush some toilets, um, and I could get a permanent fix from a plumbing warehouse, which is what I did the night before. But then our babysitter left and I was like I don't, I'm not gonna be able to do this with two kids and chaos. So I got a patchwork together, got it fixed that night, um, we showered, got clean, and then today I had to try and put the permanent fix in, and first I broke the part that I was using to fix. It had to go back to the plumbing warehouse.
Speaker 1:I'm so glad I wasn't out there.
Speaker 2:They swapped it out for a piece that I you know a replacement. I put that in. Forgot one of the seals to keep it from leaking, so put it all together leaked like a sieve had to tear it all apart then put it back together and then it held.
Speaker 1:But what I will say is this morning you started right around 10 am.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Like you went out, it was maybe 10, 15 when you went out this morning and you were done by 1230. Yeah, so it wasn't too bad.
Speaker 2:Well, at 1015, I thought I was starting with all of the parts I needed. And so my idea was like, cool, 30, 40 minutes, I'm going to be done. 30 minutes later I've broken apart. I have to drive to the plumbing warehouse, literally see the guy that sold me the parts yesterday and was like, hey, I broke this. He's like okay, cool, I'll, I'll warranty it and here's a new one. And then I was like, uh, actually have a part I need back out of there. And he was like here's a new one of those, Just get out of here. Like, good luck, Clearly you're not a professional plumber which I don't think he was under the assumption.
Speaker 2:yesterday he explained in very good detail again today how to use it, but anyway, they were great Shouts to Locke, plumbing and HVAC Supply. You guys were cool. Anyway, got these fancy, expensive parts and put them in the ground and did it wrong, leaked, put it back together, got it together and then I could take another shower. My arms are gouged to pieces. You'll see that on the next podcast probably still.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we don't have video today, so sorry to everybody.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we're just trying to record something.
Speaker 1:We just wanted you guys to know where we were.
Speaker 2:We didn't want to no-show another week.
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, we missed a week a couple weeks ago well, not a week.
Speaker 1:We came a day late, yeah, um, and then we missed a week a couple weeks ago and we don't we like doing the podcast. We want to keep doing the podcast, um, and we definitely have some updates for the podcast coming that we're going to be talking to you guys about in the next couple of weeks. Um, um, we're going to be talking about some of it on the Instagram. I think I'm going to put some polls out for you guys, um, just cause we want to gauge interest. We're trying to figure out how we can continue doing the podcast, cause you guys know, right now we don't have any kind of advertising sponsors. We haven't done anything that way, um, and we don't necessarily want to, I don't know.
Speaker 1:We're trying to decide what route we want to go, yeah, and so, um, we're going to be doing some polls and things to talk to you guys, see how much of an interest it is for you and if you all want to keep seeing the podcast and um, anyway, that's going to be coming next week will be a full episode. We love you guys. Matt, do you have any?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean shoot your, uh your emails.
Speaker 1:Oh, we have voicemails, so many of you guys can see how that uh text thing after last week, so many of you called and left voicemails and so we're looking forward to doing those. Um, I was like really excited to do that but we're not going anywhere. We, we're not going anywhere. We just have had a lot happening.
Speaker 2:We, until this afternoon, which was also our daughter's third birthday, have not had running water very much, so that's our excuse this week, but we wanted to at least record something and let you know.
Speaker 1:Yes, we love you all very, very much.
Speaker 2:Thank you.
Speaker 1:We'll be back in full capacity next week. Subscribe Maybe leave us some encouraging words. You know um I don't know, yeah I feel like you handled it really really well, like you were very calm. I think we both been pretty calm.
Speaker 2:It wasn't like, yeah, I was really calm until this, the third fix today, where it wasn't where it was leaking and I was like I just need these really expensive parts that I bought to work. I just need it to be done. I feel like I've done everything right up until now and I need it over, and that's when I was throwing tools.
Speaker 1:I think my only stressor has been not like that we've had to push the podcast and some work things back and like that is the beauty of being self-employed is when an emergency happens.
Speaker 1:It's not the end of the world, but I really like being reliable to all of you who tune in and like, support us and allow us to do content creation as our career in the season and so that always and especially with the podcast, it's not been our most reliable four to six weeks and usually we try to be really on top of it even when we're not crushing it.
Speaker 2:So, um, yeah, sorry.
Speaker 1:But that's all, that's all I got.
Speaker 2:We love you guys so much.
Speaker 1:We'll talk next week. We hope you enjoyed this 15 minutes of oversharing with the over. Do do do next week. We hope you enjoyed this 15 minutes of oversharing with the overbeats Do, do, do, do, do do do do?
Speaker 2:I don't remember the total thing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that felt pretty good, though I like it Alright. Bye.
Speaker 2:Bye.